Saturday, January 27, 2007

i have a dreaded LE tomorrow and i am goofing around.

we will have a chem lab LE tomorrow. midterms. and i haven't studied yet. i tried. yesterday. i even went to the library and carried a heavy GENERAL CHEMISTRY book. i opened my notes and i read. information just won't diffuse through my brain cells though. they are currently showing they're protest against the fluid mosaic model which says they should be semi-permeable. good for me. i ended up sneaking a bar of chocolate in the library. and look, i still have time to blog. I'll die tonight. cause of death: coffee overdose.
and i still have a speech to make.. we'll be having an oral exam in English 1. and oh, a draft for a paper in soc sci13. and another long exam in zoo lab. i still have to implant on my brain cells how they look like under the microscope. boy will they be shocked. haha.
i bought strawberries. funny, second sem will already end and it is only now that i bought strawberries. well, for one thing it's because they're expensive. 40 pesos per kilo.
i am shocking myself lately. i will be taking DRUMS lessons. there is something wrong here. it sounds awkward. drums lessons. haha. weird. anyway, you get the idea. just tell me what's wrong. i didn't tell my parents about it. it will just be some sort of surprise. i'll pay the lessons with my savings. would-be savings, i mean. just one more thing, we don't have drums at home. maybe i should just take guitar lessons. enlighten me people of the world. what should i take?
bought a new nail polish. can't wait to color my toe nails away.
been blog-hopping. sadness. almost everyone i know are experiencing heart aches. i may not understand how they really feel but i know its really bad. i wish i could do something for them. just tell me guys.
i finally saw what i have been looking for. a painting manual/ err..instruction book. whatever. i'll paint. though i don't know how, I'm positive. I'll learn.
to my ever dearest father solomon turiano: with all my heart, i thank you for granting my request.

i promise to study. and to use my time wisely. effective an hour after i type this period. there.
(got this from pre's blog)

"Man tries to search for the reason, for that driving force, for that energy, for that power, in order for him to survive in this round plane, and to know why he exists. When he finds it, is he satisfied?"


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